۱۳۸۹ مهر ۳, شنبه

ما کیسه بوکس معلمان عقده ای بودیم

ما کیسه بوکس معلمان عقده ای و بیمار روانی بودیم

وقتی به دوران مدرسه فکر می کنم نفرت سراسر وجود مرا از برخی معلمین عقده ای فرا می گیرد. برخی از معلمین ما را وسیله ای مناسب برای تخلیه عقده های روانی خود می دانستند. 
مشق هم بهانه اصلی آنان برای کتک زدن ما دانش آموزان بی صاحب بود.
وقتی به یاد می آورم با چه خشونتی چوب بر کف دست ما می کوبیدند عقده های روانی درون آنان را حس می کنم. ننوشتن مشق دلیلی بر کتک زدن نبود.
یکی از عوامل پسرفت جامعه ما همین مشق نوشتن هاست. دانش آموز باید مشق بنویسد که خط بخورد و این مشق هیچ ارزشی ندارد. این تبدیل به عادت در زندگی فرد شده و همیشه فرد فکر می کند باید یک کاری را تمام کند و تحویل بدهد. این یعنی پایین آوردن دقت فرد و در نهایت جامعه.

دردوران ابتدایی دو مدرسه در زرقان بود مدرسه علی سیاه که آقای لاله پرور شکنجه گر آن بود و حیات داوودی هم در مدرسه مهرداد خشونت کامل را در مورد دانش آموزان معصوم به کار می بست.
در دوران راهنمایی سر و کار ما با یک بیمار روانی وسواس و یک فرد عقده ای بود.
جواد پاک نیت که از بیماری روانی  وسواس رنج می برد معلم پرورشی ما بود و هر صف سر صف صبح گاه برایمان چرت و پرت می گفت. تکیه کلامش هم نکبت بود.
من به بیماری او کاری ندارم ولی نظام کثیف بود و هست که اینچنین افرادی قدرت می یافتند.

فرد عقده ای هم  هاشم معدلی بود. او قبل از به دنیا آمدن یتیم شده بود و بعد هم به دلیل سانحه ای که برای همسرش پیش آمد سرتاپای وجودش را عقده فرا پرفته بود.
او ابتدا در دودج مشغول به کار شد که مردم دودج به دلیل خشونتهای او او را بیرون کردند. 
این فرد عقده ای یک بار گوشهای مرا گرفت و مرا از زمین بلند کرد. در هر کشور پیشرفته ای این حرکت خشونت آمیز سرشار از عقده انجام شده بود این فرد حد اقل به چند سال زندان محکوم می شد. یک بار هم در زمستان سرد دست مرا در آب یج گذاشت و روی آن ایستاد.  این کاری که این فرد حزب اللهی مومن مسلمان انجام داد چیزی نبود جز تخلیه برخی عقده های روانی خودش. البته هاشم معدلی خدماتی نیز به ورزش کرد.
یک بار هم خالق امینی که او هم از حزب اللهی ها بود سر صف به حمید غفاری حمله کرد ولی از او کتک خورد.

آری امیدوارم  دانش آموزان این از این خشونتهای اسلامی و ابلهانه به دور باشند

۱۳۸۹ شهریور ۲۸, یکشنبه


دیروز و امروز هوا خوب و آفتابی بود
دیروز حدود ده کیلوتر دویدم امروز هم شش کیلو متر
وضعیت بد نیست
هربال لایف خیلی کمک  می کنه

کار هنری اثر حسین گل صفتان

۱۳۸۹ شهریور ۲۷, شنبه

آقای مازیار بهاری شرف داشته باش

آقای مازیار بهاری شرف داشته باش

جناب مازیار بهاری
فیلمسازی که برای بی بی سی فیلم ساخته ای
همان بی بی سی که سخنگوی خمینی در زمان انقلاب بود و همه بیانیه های خمینی را پخش می کرد

شرف داشته باش

فیلم نفت کودتای تو را دیدم

از چند نکته اساسی با بی شرافتی تمام گذشته بودی

اول، منحل کردن مجلس توسط مصدق هیچ سخنی در این باره نگفتی
دوم، در باره نخست وزیری قوام فقط به گفتن دو جمله بسنده کردی به راستی چرا؟

بی شرف در 25 مرداد چه اتفاقی افتاد؟ بی شرف شاه می خواست کودتا کند فردا صبح مردم تانکهای مصدق را در خیابان دیدند؟
بی شرفی و بی ناموسی و خر دانستن مردم هم حدی دارد

خر خودی و جد و آبا ئت

سری بعد که خواستی فیلم بسازی شرف داشته باش

زندگی کن

زندگی کن
هنوز هم بعد از اين همه سال، چهره‌ي ويلان را از ياد نمي‌برم. در واقع، در طول سي سال گذشته، هميشـه روز اول مـاه کـه حقوق بازنشستگي را دريافت مي‌کنم، به ياد ويلان مي‌افتم ...

ويلان پتي اف، کارمند دبيرخانه‌ي اداره بود. از مال دنيا، جز حقوق اندک کارمندي هيچ عايدي ديگري نداشت. ويلان، اول ماه که حقوق مي‌گرفت و جيبش پر مي‌شد، شروع مي‌کرد به حرف زدن ... 

روز اول ماه و هنگامي‌که که از بانک به اداره برمي‌گشت، به‌راحتي مي‌شد برآمدگي جيب سمت چپش را تشخيص داد که تمام حقوقش را در آن چپانده بود. 

ويلان از روزي که حقوق مي‌گرفت تا روز پانزدهم ماه که پولش ته مي‌کشيد، نيمي از ماه سيگار برگ مي‌کشيد، نيمـي از مـاه مست بود و سرخوش... 

من يازده سال با ويلان هم‌کار بودم. بعدها شنيدم، او سي سال آزگار به همين نحو گذران روزگار کرده است. روز آخر کـه من از اداره منتقل مي‌شدم، ويلان روي سکوي جلوي دبيرخانه نشسته بود و سيگار برگ مي‌کشيد. به سراغش رفتم تا از او خداحافظي کنم. 

کنارش نشستم و بعد از کلي حرف مفت زدن، عاقبت پرسيدم که چرا سعي نمي کند زندگي‌اش را سر و سامان بدهد تا از اين وضع نجات پيدا کند؟ 

هيچ وقت يادم نمي‌رود. همين که سوال را پرسيدم، به سمت من برگشت و با چهره‌اي متعجب، آن هم تعجبي طبيعي و اصيل پرسيد: کدام وضع؟ 

بهت زده شدم. همين‌طور که به او زل زده بودم، بدون اين‌که حرکتي کنم، ادامه دادم: 
همين زندگي نصف اشرافي، نصف گدايي!!! 
ويلان با شنيدن اين جمله، همان‌طور که زل زده بود به من، ادامه داد: 
تا حالا سيگار برگ اصل کشيدي؟ 
گفتم: نه ! 
گفت: تا حالا تاکسي دربست گرفتي؟ 
گفتم: نه ! 
گفت: تا حالا به يک کنسرت عالي رفتي؟ 
گفتم: نه ! 
گفت: تا حالا غذاي فرانسوي خوردي؟
گفتم نه

گفت: تا حالا همه پولتو براي عشقت هديه خريدي تا سورپرايزش كني؟
گفتم: نه !
گفت: اصلا عاشق بودي؟
گفتم: نه
گفت: تا حالا يه هفته مسکو موندي خوش بگذروني؟
گفتم: نه !
گفت: خاک بر سرت، تا حالا زندگي کردي؟
با درماندگي گفتم: آره، ...... نه، ..... نمي دونم !!!

ويلان همين‌طور نگاهم مي‌کرد. نگاهي تحقيرآميز و سنگين ....

حالا که خوب نگاهش مي‌کردم، مردي جذاب بود و سالم. به خودم که آمدم، ويلان جلويم ايستاده بود و تاکسي رسيده بود. ويلان سيگار برگي تعارفم کرد و بعد جمله‌اي را گفت. جمله‌اي را گفت که مسير زندگي‌ام را به کلي عوض کرد.

ويلان پرسيد: مي‌دوني تا کي زنده‌اي؟
جواب دادم: نه !
ويلان گفت: پس سعي کن دست کم نصف ماه رو زندگي کني

اکبر عبدی و فلسطین

اکبر عبدی و فلسطین
اکبر عبدی در بیمارستان است. نمی دانم چرا هر وقت به عکس او نگاه می کنم یاد روزی می افتم که برای فلسطینیان در تلوزیون ایران اشک می ریخت.
به راستی آیا در ایران ظلمی نبود که او برای فلسطینیان گریه می کرد؟

۱۳۸۹ شهریور ۲۲, دوشنبه

بی اعتباری قجری مذهبی ها

بی اعتباری قجری مذهبی ها

قجری مذهبی ها گروهی از بازماندگان خاندان قاجار هستند که خود را به دروغ ملی مذهبی می خوانند.
این گروه روز به روز بی اعتبار تر می شوند
اخرین بی اعتباری این گروه کثافت باز گشتن فرمان آزادی کورش به ایران بود
این بریده روزنامه را از ابراهیم یزدی ببینید
این مردک کثیف مدعی شده که می خواهد استبداد دو هزارو پانصد ساله را از بین ببرد
امروز همه می دانند که هخامنشیان که بودند و چه خدمات ارزشمندی به ایران کردند
 این آگاهی ها روز به روز این قجری مذهبی ها را بی اعتبارتر می کند

۱۳۸۹ شهریور ۲۰, شنبه

معلم تربیتی دروغگو به نام عیسایی

معلم تربیتی دروغگو به نام عیسایی
در هنرستان شهید ناصر قاسمی زرقان یک معلم تربیتی داشتیم به نام عیسایی. او اهل خوزستان بود و برادرش هم خطاط بود.
این مرد نمی دانم خرافی بود یا شیاد. گاه کتابی را در صبح گاه سر صف می آور و می خواند. کتاب خاطرات اسرای عراقی.
ببینید این بی شرفان ما نو جوانان خردسال زودباور را چگونه شستشوی مغزی می دادند.
آتش نگرفتن عکس خمینی
آقای عیسایی یک بار این دروغ را برایمان خواند. 
یکی از اسرای عراقی گفته در بک روز طی مراسمی قرار بوده عکس خمینی و انورسادات را در حضور صدام به آتش بکشند.
هر دو عکس را می آورند هر دو یک مقوا و یک جنس عکس انورسادات آتش می گیرد ولی عکس خمینی نه. 
چند نفراز افسران ارشد وقتی این موضوع را می بینند می روند و فندک زیر عکس خمینی می گیرند باز هم عکس آتش نمی گیرد. در نهایت عکس خمینی را سالم از مزاسم خارج می کنند. 
وقتی اسن افسر که خود در مراسم شرکت داشته به خانه می رود. زنش می گوید مراسم داشت به طور مستقیم از تلوزیون پخش می شد. ما هم دیدیم. وقتی عکس آتش نمی گرفت جمعیت را نشان می دادند ولی وقتی افسران فندک زیر پوستر خمینی می گرفتند دروبین دست آنان را نشان می داد
ای لعنت بر آدم دروغگو
نمی دانم عیسایی اکنون کجاست ولی امیدوارم این مطلب به دست او برسد شاید از کار و سخن خودش خجالت بکشد

۱۳۸۹ شهریور ۱۹, جمعه

بیست اشتباه زنها در هنگام سکس

Girls, be honest here...

Unfortunately, men are not the only ones who make mistakes during sex. When our sex lives become a yawn and the latest issue of Cosmopolitan is more appealing than your man's concerted efforts to try and make your world move for you, then it's very easy to point a finger, play the Blame Game and put the blame completely on the man. You haul out your little sex crimes manual you keep under your mattress and triumphantly point to one and say, "See! I told you it's all your fault. You just ain't up to the mark and capable of making my world rock anymore." The bad news is, it takes two to tango, and your man friend is probably not the only one making mistakes. You're probably making your fair share of bedroom errors yourself. So girl, let's be honest here, which sex crime are you guilty of?
Sex Crime number one: Passive resistance
Why is it that women always believe that the man is the hunter and they are the prey and the man has to always make the first move? Like, sex is some kind of a caveman ritual, where when the man wants some, he enters your cave, and drags you to his cave by your hair and then procedes to use your body like a trampoline. Seriously, ladies, men will probably be delighted if you initiate sex and make the first move. Most of them dream about a woman coming onto them, but for many women, the chains of sexual traditions past are holding them back. It's expected that the man will make the first move. You might wait weeks with your hormones pumping, keeping your knees tightly shut as you fight for control of your body, waiting patiently for the man whose bones you want to jump plucks up the courage to make the move. My advice, don't wait. If you want it, ask for it. Show your interest by taking the first step on some occasions. It might spice up a dull sex life.
Sex Crime number two: Worrying about whether your false eyelashes will fall off
So many women are concerned about what they look like during sex, that they forget they are supposed to be enjoying it. Focusing on trying to get your face to look like Debbie's in Debbie does Dallas, or like Angelina Jolie's in one of her orgasmic movie moments, will make you lose your focus on what you're actually supposed to be doing. Men don't care if your bum wobbles during sex, or about those cute little cellulite dimples on your thighs, or even if gravity has won and your boobs have dropped down to your belly button. Men just want to know that you are enjoying yourself, having fun and are enthusiastic. Enthusiasm is contagious and might even excite your reluctant lover.
Sex Crime number 3: Laughing at his dried floral arrangement
Men have this thing about their little thing. They get self-conscious if someone makes fun of it. Even if his one-eyed trouser snake is the most peculiar one you've ever laid eyes on, don't giggle, laugh or give a sly smile. He will take it personally which could cause acute hydraulic failure of his dried floral arrangement, causing it to dry up permanently. And, don't ask, "Is it in yet?" That is tantamount to saying that he has such a small one you can't feel it inside you.
Sex Crime number 4: Assuming men are not romantic
Many women are under the misguided impression that men are incapable of being romantic. The best love poetry penned by romantic poets have come from men. They do have a soft and sensitive side, and do keep little momentoes to remember romantic moments. If your man shows his romantic side, do not mock him or mention the romantic moment in front of his football friends. Keep it as your special saucy sexy secret.
Sex Crime number 5: Assuming that a man always wants sex
Okay, this is what women believe because this is how men have painted themselves. Ever Ready Freddy. Well you know, this is a fallacy, because men do suffer from falling libido when they are under stress or tired. Sometimes, they are just not in the mood, especially when they are engrossed in a great football game on the telly. The mistake women make, is by taking a man's failure to rise to the occasion personally. Like, they can't get it up because they no longer love you. Love has nothing to do with it. Sex and love is not the same thing. Sometimes, men just don't feel like performing, they'd rather go and sleep, and it's nothing to do with the extra roll that suddenly appeared from nowhere on your belly.
Sex Crime number 6: Assuming men are knowledgeable about sex
Just because a man is a man doesn't make him a sexpert. If you never tell him you hate it when he picks his nose during sex, then he'll never know to stop it. Communication is the key behind every successful sexual encounter. Talk to him about sex, what you like and don't like. Guide him, direct him, it won't just come to him through osmosis or he won't instinctively just know. Everybody is different. What his other girlfriend likes you might hate, and if you don't explicitly remind him, he might forget what it was that you liked when he gets you confused with one of his other girlfriends.
Sex Crime number 7: Being scared to explore new territory
Variety is the spice of life and when you've been together with your sexual partner for a while, there are times when your man wants you to try out something new he heard about in the locker room shows, the bathroom in KFC or saw on the telly. Many women make the mistake of taking this personally, thinking that your man is only suggesting a new innovative approach to sex because you no longer satisfy him. This is not true. Of course, if what he suggests is detrimental to your health like covering you in cream when you are lactose intolerant, or is against your morals, then communicate. Tell him what you feel and why.
Sex Crime number 8: Letting Mommy into your bed
So you've spent all day cleaning up food thrown against the walls by your toddler. Don't take the memories of a typical Mommy Day to bed with you, otherwise you'll not be feeling in the mood for sex. Have a hot shower, change out of your Mommy trackpants and slip into sexy lingerie. A big mistake many mommies make, is going to bed in their comfortable mommy clothes, old stretched trackpants and old faded sweatshirts and old hockey socks with a hole in the toe. That get-up is a sure passion-killer.
Sex Crime number 9: Lying still and thinking of England
Some women seem to think that sex is only enjoyable for a man, and they just have to lie there, stare unresponsively at the ceiling, while their poor man pounds away trying desperately to get some reaction. Necrophilia is not to be encouraged, and lying there like a dead body is a big turn-off for a man. Don't look on sex as a duty you have to bravely endure. Rather, view sex with enthusiasm, gyrate those hips, wiggle that ass and make some noise!
Sex Crime number 10: Fear of Fellatio
Fellatio is not something that only happens in porno movies, or something that hookers do in the back seats of cars down dark alleys. Oral sex is an important part of the whole sexual experience and can be extremely enjoyable and pleasurable for all concerned. If the thought of going down to the nether regions nauseates you, close your eyes, imagine you are on a beautiful beach in Venezuela eating an ice-cream. Do not make the mistake of getting too excited and gagging as no man enjoys having his best friend puked upon, or using excessive use of the teeth. This particular part of a man's anatomy is quite sensitive so taking a bite might cause bleeding and instant hydraulic failure.
Sex Crime number 11: Making him responsible for your orgasm
Get over it. His job isn't just to make you reach climax, don't be so selfish. If you know what you like and need to achieve orgasm and tell him. He's probably not a mind-reader.
Sex Crime number 12: Unshaved legs
Don't expect him to always be clean-shaved when hopping into bed so that you avoid stubble-burn, when your legs have sharp prickly dreadlocks that graze the skin off his shins. Shave, and trim that powder puff so that when he goes down there he doesn't think he's trying to hack his way through the Amazon Jungle!
Sex Crime number 13: Falling asleep in his arms is a sign he loves you
After sex, women like to chat and snuggle and huggle and cuddle. After sex men like to roll over and sleep. I think it's a biological thing so stop trying to fight it, just go with the flow. And what's this about falling asleep in his arms. You lay your head on your arm for a while and see what it feels like. You get pins and needles, right? Your arm goes to sleep and it's pretty uncomfortable. So, don't think he doesn't love you because he doesn't want to fall asleep with you in his arms. Don't take it personally. He doesn't want you on his chest because he can't breathe.
Sex Crime number 14: Scared of getting undressed in front of him
Unless you are wearing your granny panties or have unsightly stains or holes in them, then don't even consider getting undressed in the dark and diving into bed and hiding under the covers. A man wants to check out your pound of flesh, feast his eyes on your beauty, so don't kill that simple pleasure for him. Don't expect him to undress you either, while it can be romantic, men aren't as adept with bras as we are.
Sex Crime number 15: Forgetting he is more than just a penis
Often we are so concerned with foreplay and how men touch us, that we forget they might also like to be touched, in places other than that little sticky out thing of theirs. Stroke his back, tickle his bum, draw on his legs, and of course, do not forget or neglect his balls. Play with them, stroke them, lick them, suck on them and bounce them together. Get to know them like you know your friends.
Sex Crime number 16: Referring to sex as making love
Making love is cooking bacon and eggs for breakfast and serving it to you on a tray in bed. Don't try and romanticize sex by calling it 'making love.' The only thing you are making is funny faces and strange noises, and if you forget to use a condom - a baby. You are naked in a bed or wherever with another person. It's sex for goodness sake. Geez, get over it!
Sex Crime number 17: Faking an orgasm
Forget about Meg Ryan in her most famous acting moment in When Harry met Sally. If you're not having an orgasm, don't fake it. Who are you trying to kid, seriously? And who benefits from a faked orgasm? Not you surely, because that poor bastard will be taken in and think that what ever he was doing was wonderful when it wasn't. So, faking an orgasm is cutting off your nose to spite your face.
Sex Crime number 18: Forgetting to wash
Unless it was a spontaneous moment on a hood of the car parked at the picnic spot on the side of the highway, don't forget to wash down there before sex, especially if you enjoy a bit of the old cunning linguistics. During the day, women do sweat down there and by night time it can start smelling like the fish market in Busan in south Korea, which happens to be the largest fish market in the world.
Sex Crime number 19: Being overly-hygenic
For a guy there must be nothing that kills a great sexual encounter more, than when a women leaves him alone basking in his afterglow, while she rushes off to the bathroom to scrub her puff and then nips to the linen cupboard to change the sheets, throwing Romeo who is trying desperately to snooze, out of the bed. Leave all that cleaning up to after he's gone, or shower together.
Sex Crime number 20: Letting happy noises inhibit you
Sex is a noisy affair and there are certain times when if someone presses against your bowel, you might accidentally let a little gust of wind escape. On other occasions, you might suck in some wind making strange squelchy noises during the middle of coitus. Laugh together or just ignore your happy noises. Do not start crying, apologizing, or run from the room screaming and lock yourself in the bathroom.
As you can see, women are capable of making more mistakes during sex than men, so for those men who felt offended that I was only knocking men and making fun of them in my hub Common mistakes men make during sex - this hub is dedicated to you! 
My hub Common mistakes men make during sex is no longer visible on here as men found it too hard to handle, so if you go to my relationship blog, you'll be able to read up about men's sex mistakes there!

نخستین فرمان جهانی حقوق بشر فرمان آزادی کورش

فرمان آزادی کورش
نخستین فرمان جهانی حقوق بشر

دو 5 کیلوتر

دو 5 کیلوتر
دیروز 5 کیلومتر دویدم
تقریبا به آمادگی نسبی برای شروع تمرینات رسیدم
دور اول و دوم 3.45
دور سوم و چهارم 3.41
دور پنجم و ششم 3.38
3.34 دور هفتم و هشتم
3.34 دور نهم و دهم
دور یازدهم 1.43
دور دوازدهم 1.40
دویست متر آخر 42

۱۳۸۹ شهریور ۱۳, شنبه

آیا نسل سوم یا همان بالاترینی ها دوباره از بنی صدر فریب خواهند خورد؟

آیا نسل سوم یا همان بالاترینی ها دوباره از بنی صدر فریب خواهند خورد؟

ابوالحسن بنی صدر به همراه ابراهیم یزدی و صادق قطب زاده سه مهره اصلی ارتباطی بین سازمان سیا و خمینی برای مسلط کردن خمینی بر ایران بودند
بنی صدر بدون هیچگونه خجالت و شرم از همکاریش با خمینی سخن می گوید
نکته ای که قابل تامل است این است که لینکهای ارسالی ابواحسن بنی صدر در بالاترین علاوه بر داغ شدن امتیازات فراوانی را به خود اختصاص می دهند
حال جای این پرسش باقی است که آیا نسل سوم انقلاب ایران هم مانند نسل اول فریب ابوالحسن بنی صدر را خواهد خورد؟
باید به هوش باشیم ونسل جدید از هویت اصلی این فرد نابکار دست بوس خمینی آگاه کنیم

ده روش برای کاهش استرس

10 Easy Solutions to Stress

From Looking After Your Body

1. Lean on other people. Studies of both animals and humans show that social contact can help tone down the body's physical response to stress. It can even boost immunity. So cultivate a network of people you can turn to. Share what's bothering you with a friend and ask for some helpful advice. Avoid people who always need something without giving back or who are constantly moody or depressed.

2. De-clutter your world. Stop hoarding old magazines, and throw away those old receipts and tax returns you no longer need. Clutter-free surroundings will help prevent the frustration of not being able to find something you need, and give you the reassuring knowledge that everything's in its place.
3. Eliminate last-minute rushes. Leave the house 15 minutes early for appointments, set up a system for paying your bills (ask your bank about automatic bill paying), refill your prescriptions a week ahead of time, and stock up on birthday cards whenever you see ones you like. A little advance planning can spare you a lot of headaches.
4. Keep your journal. Reflect on your day, your emotions, and your personal goals. Include everything that stresses you, so you can start to recognize patterns and take appropriate action. Writing is also a great way to relax and put things into perspective.
5. Get organized. Set aside a place for bills, paperwork, letters. Store items you use most often in accessible places. Spend five minutes straightening your office or main living area at the end of the day. Keep a long-range calendar and a short-range to-do list. Check off items as you finish them.
6. Get a massage. Massage not only relaxes tense muscles, it decreases the level of stress hormones in the bloodstream and stimulates the release of serotonin, a brain chemical associated with relaxation and a feeling of well-being. Studies show that massage can even lower your heart rate and blood pressure.
7. Chop your to-do list in half. Most of us set the bar too high. After you've written your to-do list, decide what's most important to you in the long run, then cut the list in half. If you can't eliminate certain tasks, try to have someone else do them. For instance, hire a neighborhood teenager to do the yard work, or skip cooking and order in.
8. Carve time for yourself. Give higher priority to your "relax and renewal" time. Include it in your schedule at least every other day. If you have to cut out an activity to make time for your hobby -- or a warm bath -- then do it. Or spend some time alone reading or listening to music you love.
9. Avoid crowds. Schedule your commute to avoid traffic, go for lunch 15 minutes before the usual rush, make Thursday, not Saturday, your night out, shop for groceries on a weeknight, and order your clothes and prescription drugs through the mail.
10. Laugh a little. When you laugh, you send chemicals called endorphins to your brain that ease pain and enhance your feeling of well-being. Laughter also stimulates the heart, lungs, and muscles and boosts your resistance to infection. If you laugh for 20 seconds, your body gets the same amount of beneficial oxygen -- good for stress relief -- as it does in three minutes of aerobic exercise. Plus, it's nearly impossible to stay tense while you're laughing. Find cartoons, videos, TV shows, writers, and comics that make you laugh. Share jokes with friends over email.



I deram about it. Last night I run 3600 m in 16minutes 12 second
I swam 1.5 km last week
I hope my knee make no problem for me in cycling
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about a type of three-sport athletic competition. For other uses of Triathlon, see Triathlon (disambiguation).

The three components of triathlon: swimming, cycling, and running
A triathlon is a multi-sport endurance event consisting of swimming, cycling, and running in immediate succession over various distances. Triathletes compete for fastest overall course completion time, including timed "transitions" between the individual swim, bike, and run components.[1]
Triathlon races vary in distance. According to the International Triathlon Union, and USA Triathlon, the main international race distances are Sprint distance (750 m swim, 20 km bike, 5 km run), Intermediate distance, commonly referred to as "Olympic distance" (1.5 km swim, 40 km ride, 10 km run), the Long Course (1.9 km swim, 90 km ride, 21.1 km run, such as the Half Ironman), and Ultra Distance (3.8 km swim, 180 km ride, and a marathon: 42.2 km run); the most popular branded Ultra Distance is the Ironman triathlon.[2].
Transition areas are positioned both between the swim and bike segments (T1), and between the bike and run segments (T2), and are often just one checkpoint, especially in shorter courses. These areas are used to store bicycles, performance apparel, and any other accessories essential for preparing and gearing for the next stage of the race. The transition times (T1 and T2) are included in the overall time of the race. So speed during transition—removing the wetsuit, putting on the helmet, putting on the running shoes—is essential. Elite triathletes have the bicycle shoes mounted on the bikes before the race and place their feet into them when riding. In large races, transitions areas may be up to a kilometer long, and store over 2000 entrants' bicycles. In addition, these areas provide a social headquarters prior to the race, and are an integral part of triathlon culture.
The demanding nature of the sport focuses primarily on persistent and often periodized training in each of the three disciplines, as well as combination workouts and general strength conditioning to ensure the highest levels of endurance, strength, and power possible come race day. Proficiency in swimming, cycling, and running alone is often not sufficient for success in triathlon.